Those huge silver dragons who followed were surprised to see Gao Cai really feel the pure dragon breath, and then they showed a faint fear. After all, dragons have a natural fear for pure dragons

"How did your body damage to this extent? But the body breath is not weak but strong? What the hell happened to you? "
During the flight, Huang Yin looked at Gao Cai’s physical condition and asked in doubt.
"Du Jie, the God of the Yuan Dynasty, made the immortal’s body wear too serious. He came to Yunmengze this time to look for Ganoderma lucidum and prepare to restore the body. He also wanted to ask you for help this time!"
Hear the shortage of silver asked Gao Cai didn’t hide anything directly, but the words of Gao Cai made the shortage of silver slightly shocked. I didn’t expect that this Gao Cai didn’t practice immortality before, but he didn’t ask too much in surprise.
"Meat ganoderma lucidum? It’s a little troublesome for these things to melt Tianshan Mountain in Wanze Lake, the lair of Heishui Xuan snake, and this injury is afraid that it will take ten thousand years of meat ganoderma lucidum, but this ten thousand-year-old meat ganoderma lucidum has been strictly guarded by Heishui Xuan snake, but my silver dumpling clan and this Heishui Xuan snake clan are feuds that can help. Let’s not talk about the advanced Dragon Palace and say that I also have some spiritual things that nourish the flesh! "
Sneak to the bottom of the abyss after the shortage of silver pointed to his Dragon Palace some proudly said
I couldn’t help smiling when I saw a palace carved by huge stones pointing in the direction of barren silver. From the outside, the palace looked like a huge ball
Although it looks funny, Gao Cai dare not despise this huge ball too much. Obviously, it is a rare lingshi that has been refined into Lingbao by this wasteland sacrifice.
After drilling into this sphere palace, Gao Cai is also impolite to become an adult and sit in position.
After sitting down, Huang Yin took out a silver moon fruit from the palace and handed it to Gao Cai. He said, "This is the moon fruit, which is made by the silver moon tree in the depths of Yunmengze. I also got a few strong bones that can comb the meridians. You should recuperate your body first."
"Thanks a lot!"
I took the silver-colored Guanghua fruit and looked at it with a slight shock. You’re welcome to swallow the refining fruit directly to moisten the flesh and let the flesh glow with a glimmer of brilliance again.
"How do you want me to help you?"
After giving it to Gao Caiguo, he asked
"I want to know the secrets of Wanze Lake and this melting Tianshan Mountain, and I also want to know the situation of Heishui Xuan snake."
After all, I don’t know myself here, but I’m afraid I can’t find this spiritual deep if there is no shortage of silver scales.
"This Wanze Lake, I can tell you the specific location. This blackwater dark black is also an ancient snake with the ability to control the waters. Because of the feud with my family, a war was held not long ago. Now it is a win-lose situation. When the time comes, I will lead my people to lead this blackwater mysterious snake to whether you can find Ganoderma lucidum. It depends on your own way."
Wild silver said will blackwater Xuan snake and Wanze Lake things clearly.
"This is enough to thank you this time! I have some pills here for your healing! "
Seeing the shortage of silver, he readily promised to reach out and take out tens of thousands of Huayangdan to give it to the shortage of silver. After all, this time he wanted something from others and could not trust each other. Otherwise, the shortage of dumplings was accommodating, but the silver dumpling clan was afraid of some bad blood.
Seeing that Gao Cai sent out Dan medicine and the silver shortage eyes lit up, these ancient survivors who lived together were powerful but rarely refined Dan medicine. Now, this Gao Cai sent out so many Dan medicines, which will inevitably make the whole shortage of silver gens look happy and take over these Dan medicines.
"I will accept these Dan medicine! Take a rest first, and I’ll mobilize my people to cooperate with you to seize this meat ganoderma lucidum! With these pills, I can also improve the strength of the barren silver clan, and just go to those black snakes to settle accounts! If only these big snakes were completely solved! "
After receiving Dan medicine, the shortage of silver is no longer Russell and the delay is said to Gao Cai. He quickly flew out and called a large number of silver dumplings to prepare for the war.
For the wild dumpling, it’s a big pleasure to sit in the palace and slowly cultivate vitality and polish the Yuan God, waiting for the wild dumpling to call the silver dumpling clan to lead these black mountain Xuan snakes to turn themselves into Qing Ji and find the meat Ganoderma lucidum smoothly.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-three Blackwater Xuan snake
Half a day later, all the silver dumplings were ready to go to Wanze Lake to attack the black water Xuan snake, and these silver dumplings were given a lot of Dan medicine. After that, many injured silver dumplings recovered their injuries, and the strength of the whole ethnic group greatly increased their morale. They were also grateful to Gao Cai, and they got up their spirits to prepare for revenge.
After the shortage of silver knots, these silver dumplings set off and went high, only to follow them towards Wanze Lake. These hundreds of silver dragons flew together and suddenly produced a huge pressure to make way. All the fierce beasts and behemoths had to dormant, causing these dragons to besiege.
Looking at these silver dumplings, the overbearing talents are also deeply impressed, and at the same time, I am glad to find these silver dumplings for help. Otherwise, I will not only get Ganoderma lucidum, but also run.
After all, these overbearing and powerful guys can fight endlessly, and the black water Xuan snake is not weak, maybe even stronger.
When these huge silver dumplings went to Wanze Lake, the whole black water snake in Wanze Lake also got the news and quickly got together to prepare for these silver dumplings.
After all, the war between the two ethnic groups is not over in a day, and all the black water snakes that can fight in Wanze Lake get together to fight quickly.
A moment later, Gao Cai was mixed in the Yinjiao group and saw a huge swamp, which was endless and hundreds of miles as big as a huge continent
In the middle of this huge swamp, a huge male mountain goes straight into the sky, like a giant snake circling and piling up a huge mountain top, like a huge snake head overlooking the whole Wanze Lake.
"The giant mountain in front is melting Tianshan Mountain. Later, we will lead those black mountain Xuan snakes, and you will enter the mountain to find the meat ganoderma lucidum. But you can’t delay too long. We won’t fight the black water Xuan snake for too long! Once they return to the nest, you will be in danger. "
Looking at the huge melting Tianshan barren silver, I solemnly said that I was afraid that Gao Cai would suffer disaster if he delayed too long.
"Well, thank you again. I’m adding the Dragon King of Qiantang now. If you have something to do in the future, you can come to my West Lake to see me!"
I am very grateful for the large-scale dispatch of Silver Dumplings to help myself.

few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together

With a quick mind, Fang Yun continued to plunder other places and collect herbs.
“Red jade is a blessing!”
Fang Yun in the air, saw a few humble herbs in the grass. Heart together, gently swept, it is necessary to transplant this medicinal material into the “universal clock of heaven and earth”.
As soon as the news passed, Fang Yun was about to collect another piece of medicinal materials. All of a sudden, in front of me, this piece of “Red Jade and Fuze” disappeared.
Fang Yun dazed: “This …”
The front is empty, but there is a silver-haired man in front of him. His look is indifferent and his eyes are like starry sky. There are countless stars in it, which are born and died. Just a look, it seems that people’s souls will be sucked in. And his hand, is holding the Fang Yun just to collect “red jade Fuze”.
“Unexpectedly, someone like me, look at these strains of red jade. Little friend, come out. ”
Silver-haired man looking down at the front, a void. It was empty, but the man’s eyes seemed to have penetrated all the secrets and saw the tiny dust in the depths of space.
Fang Yun mind trembling, the silver-haired man didn’t how powerful momentum, but give the feeling of Fang Yun, but extremely dangerous. With his current strength, he can still feel threatened. This kind of person, for absolute reached, ghosts and gods unpredictable terrible realm.
A strong breath, cold as snow, locked in the space. Fujiki evil gentleman uses the magical power of “the best size” to change the dust. Fang Yun immediately know, he see is broken.
Void vibration, a grain of dust fiercely Yishan, suddenly stretched sharply, blink of an eye, revealing the appearance of evil Fujiki Jun, standing on the earth.

Chapter 664 The first person in Daomen
“Who are you?”
Rattan wood evil gentleman feet don’t touch the ground, gently floating, back several zhangs. After a distance, I looked at the silver-haired man in front of me This man makes him feel too dangerous, so it’s better to stay away.
“Xuan Xuan.” Silver-haired man indifferent blinked, calm way.
Fang Yun was shocked, and could hardly believe his ears. It’s him! Fang Yun didn’t expect to go to Junnian’s master here.
The first master of Taisu School, Yu Xuan. This name is well-known in the sectarian world. Fang Yun also found out that Yu Xuan was the master of Junnian. But this one never went down the mountain, so Fang Yun never saw him.
Fang Yun didn’t expect, would be in a place like this, see the first master YuXuan.
“Turns out to be danger elders, surprisingly, the elders, like me, are interested in these few strains of red grass. A gentleman doesn’t steal people’s love, since Elder Yu also takes a fancy to it. I naturally dare not worry about the elders. ”
Fang Yun didn’t discover the identity of “Red Jade and Fuze”, only that it was a red grass. He bowed his hand and flew upside down, then he wanted to leave: “Elder Yu, I have work to do next. Don’t bother, leave! “