Mo Qingqing’s leg hurts. Every time she lifts her foot, steps on her leg, and lands on the ground, it is painful for her. Her leg hurts so much that she can move on reluctantly if she doesn’t want to die on the roadside.

Highway plants and mushrooms grow very fast. When she got up early, the plants reached more than half the height of the wheels. Up to now, the tires and half the doors of the car have been flooded. Even some vines have wrapped the car up. The giant mushroom has grown from the size of an early parasol to cover most of the top of an off-road vehicle.
Plants have gradually spread to the corner, but there are fewer and fewer places for her to stay. Many times, she can leap over the grass with big strides. Her pants and legs are cut by the seemingly soft but actually bladed saw grass. The saw grass looks soft, but when it touches it, the grass leaves immediately stretch straight into a sharp saw, and her jeans are cut into strips and her legs are bruised and bloody.
If she doesn’t find help before these plants completely seal off the road, she will soon become the death threat of these plants’ nutrients, which will make her anxious and full of fear, and even her leg injury will feel less painful, and she doesn’t care if the saw grass will add a few new wounds to her leg.
Her only happiness is that there are many rust-colored thorny plants along the road, and their rust balls tempt and destroy most of the Bidens bipinnata, which effectively slows down the growth and spread of Bidens bipinnata. She found that almost all places with Bidens bipinnata are accompanied by rust balls.
She believes that if these plants are not cleaned up early, it is estimated that they will be able to seal the doors of these buildings and shops on both sides of the street so tightly that people in the house can’t even get out if they want to escape.
However, judging from her eyes, even she feels that the house is safer than the outside, and few people come out to clean up the plants outside. Occasionally, one or two street vendors are seen with doors, and some people are wearing waterproof, thick plastic gloves and masks and holding shovels to clean up the plants at the door.
From time to time, some people from the balcony and window sill dump the plant residues from the building.
Even if Mo Qingqing walks close to the outer wall of the building, it is still difficult to be splashed by some juice. Fortunately, these plants are not the corrosive rattan, which does not cause any real harm to her for the time being. She does not know whether it is toxic or dangerous.
There are more people on both sides of the street one after another. Occasionally, there are three or two groups of people walking at the root of the wall across the street. Almost all of these people are wrapped up in helmets, hats, masks or scarves. Walking outside with sticks and kitchen knives is an adult, with no old people and no children.
Mo Qingqing saw that pedestrians were far away from each other, and there were several dangerous plants in it, so he stopped and walked with his mind on his way.
When she was hungry, she took out the box of instant noodles squashed in her pocket and stuffed it into her mouth as she walked.
She walked to a hotel and looked into the lobby from a distance. Some workers were still working, and she couldn’t help but stop. The hotel looked very safe. She hesitated whether she wanted to live in it, but the hotel was luxuriously decorated and felt in her pocket. She couldn’t even afford a room for one night.
Mo Qingqing silently looked at the hotel and continued on his way.
She walked out about half a block away, when it suddenly became dark, dark clouds rolled and a strong wind blew.
The wind is too strong, sand and stones are flying, the plants on the highway are swaying and shaking, and those who hit the door are blown to shake in the wind, and they are blown away by the wind.
Mo Qingqing remembered the stormy night last night and the corpses everywhere outside. She dared not go any further and turned around and ran to the hotel she had just seen, which was the nearest place where she could survive with the door closed.
This section of the road is familiar to her. She limped and held back the pain and ran back quickly.
She ran outside the hotel in a few minutes.
At the entrance of the hotel, the parking lot is covered with mushrooms and weeds, and even the driveway leading to the lobby is covered with colorful mushrooms, as well as saw tooth grass, saw tooth grass, a big plant that looks a bit like a trumpet and smells sweet candy, and some unknown shrubs. She saw a rust ball next to the saw tooth grass, and saw it all around the rust ball, so she quickly ran to the hotel lobby on mushrooms and saw tooth grass.
She pushed the revolving door at the entrance of the hotel lobby and rushed in. It seemed to her that she was holding her chest at the door and breathing hard on her leg wound, which was unbearable.
She turned around and looked out through the glass to see the darkness outside the hotel. The trees and long grass were constantly being torn by the strong wind, and the huge mushroom on the roof was overturned
Suddenly a woman screamed, "Get her out of here!" The sound was sharp and piercing.
Mo Qingqing looked back, and a fashionable woman in her twenties and thirties was looking at her in horror, as if she had some disease. Only then did she notice that there were many people gathered in the hotel lobby and many people were carrying luggage.
There is an old couple beside the screaming woman, like her parents, and they also have a child.
When the woman saw Mo Qingqing, she looked back and pointed to her, "Get out!" He also called to the hotel security guard, "Tell her to get out! We still have the baby! How can you let her in? Look at how dirty she is. What if she gets dyed? There are bodies outside, maybe they are infected. "
The sound is sharp and profitable than fear and panic.
Mo Qingqing looked back to the outside and let her go out at this time. What’s the difference between that and letting her die? She looked at the other people in the lobby and found that they looked at her with fear, and her face was very ugly.
About four or five meters away from her, the security guard said to her, "Get out" and immediately yelled at her, "Get out!"
Next to him, a middle-aged man in his 40 s and 50 s, shaving crew cut, came up and looked particularly tall and strong. He said to the security guard, "Don’t do this!" Stop at a place about one meter away from MoQingQing and ask, "Where are you from, little sister? What is the situation outside now? "
MoQingQing rather inquisitively looked at the middle-aged man.
The woman screamed again, "You let her out! Those things outside are poisonous and will kill people! "
Mo Qingqing ignored the woman and said to the middle-aged man, "I came from near No.1 Middle School and went out at dawn. Only now have I come here. The road is full of dead people. There are terrible plants and mushrooms everywhere. I call it a ghost vine plant. When I see it, I must stay far away. Anything that touches it will be caught by its tentacles, and then it will spit out corrosive juice to melt the caught things." She finished looking at her eyes and screamed for the security guard to drive her out. The woman stopped talking.
The middle-aged man asked Mo Qingqing kindly, "Have you seen any troops?"
Mo Qingqing shook his head and said, "I didn’t see the traffic jam."
The middle-age man asked something else.
Mo Qingqing told her everything she saw and said, "I know that’s all."
The middle-aged man said "thank you" politely when he couldn’t ask anything else, and said "ask her out" to the security guard.
Mo Qingqing didn’t expect the middle-aged man to come over and ask her for information in a pleasant manner, and then immediately turned against her. She stared at the middle-aged man in disbelief.
The security guard drove her away with a baton, saying, "No way, you’d better go out. Don’t make it difficult for us." Two security guards came to help.

Those huge silver dragons who followed were surprised to see Gao Cai really feel the pure dragon breath, and then they showed a faint fear. After all, dragons have a natural fear for pure dragons

"How did your body damage to this extent? But the body breath is not weak but strong? What the hell happened to you? "
During the flight, Huang Yin looked at Gao Cai’s physical condition and asked in doubt.
"Du Jie, the God of the Yuan Dynasty, made the immortal’s body wear too serious. He came to Yunmengze this time to look for Ganoderma lucidum and prepare to restore the body. He also wanted to ask you for help this time!"
Hear the shortage of silver asked Gao Cai didn’t hide anything directly, but the words of Gao Cai made the shortage of silver slightly shocked. I didn’t expect that this Gao Cai didn’t practice immortality before, but he didn’t ask too much in surprise.
"Meat ganoderma lucidum? It’s a little troublesome for these things to melt Tianshan Mountain in Wanze Lake, the lair of Heishui Xuan snake, and this injury is afraid that it will take ten thousand years of meat ganoderma lucidum, but this ten thousand-year-old meat ganoderma lucidum has been strictly guarded by Heishui Xuan snake, but my silver dumpling clan and this Heishui Xuan snake clan are feuds that can help. Let’s not talk about the advanced Dragon Palace and say that I also have some spiritual things that nourish the flesh! "
Sneak to the bottom of the abyss after the shortage of silver pointed to his Dragon Palace some proudly said
I couldn’t help smiling when I saw a palace carved by huge stones pointing in the direction of barren silver. From the outside, the palace looked like a huge ball
Although it looks funny, Gao Cai dare not despise this huge ball too much. Obviously, it is a rare lingshi that has been refined into Lingbao by this wasteland sacrifice.
After drilling into this sphere palace, Gao Cai is also impolite to become an adult and sit in position.
After sitting down, Huang Yin took out a silver moon fruit from the palace and handed it to Gao Cai. He said, "This is the moon fruit, which is made by the silver moon tree in the depths of Yunmengze. I also got a few strong bones that can comb the meridians. You should recuperate your body first."
"Thanks a lot!"
I took the silver-colored Guanghua fruit and looked at it with a slight shock. You’re welcome to swallow the refining fruit directly to moisten the flesh and let the flesh glow with a glimmer of brilliance again.
"How do you want me to help you?"
After giving it to Gao Caiguo, he asked
"I want to know the secrets of Wanze Lake and this melting Tianshan Mountain, and I also want to know the situation of Heishui Xuan snake."
After all, I don’t know myself here, but I’m afraid I can’t find this spiritual deep if there is no shortage of silver scales.
"This Wanze Lake, I can tell you the specific location. This blackwater dark black is also an ancient snake with the ability to control the waters. Because of the feud with my family, a war was held not long ago. Now it is a win-lose situation. When the time comes, I will lead my people to lead this blackwater mysterious snake to whether you can find Ganoderma lucidum. It depends on your own way."
Wild silver said will blackwater Xuan snake and Wanze Lake things clearly.
"This is enough to thank you this time! I have some pills here for your healing! "
Seeing the shortage of silver, he readily promised to reach out and take out tens of thousands of Huayangdan to give it to the shortage of silver. After all, this time he wanted something from others and could not trust each other. Otherwise, the shortage of dumplings was accommodating, but the silver dumpling clan was afraid of some bad blood.
Seeing that Gao Cai sent out Dan medicine and the silver shortage eyes lit up, these ancient survivors who lived together were powerful but rarely refined Dan medicine. Now, this Gao Cai sent out so many Dan medicines, which will inevitably make the whole shortage of silver gens look happy and take over these Dan medicines.
"I will accept these Dan medicine! Take a rest first, and I’ll mobilize my people to cooperate with you to seize this meat ganoderma lucidum! With these pills, I can also improve the strength of the barren silver clan, and just go to those black snakes to settle accounts! If only these big snakes were completely solved! "
After receiving Dan medicine, the shortage of silver is no longer Russell and the delay is said to Gao Cai. He quickly flew out and called a large number of silver dumplings to prepare for the war.
For the wild dumpling, it’s a big pleasure to sit in the palace and slowly cultivate vitality and polish the Yuan God, waiting for the wild dumpling to call the silver dumpling clan to lead these black mountain Xuan snakes to turn themselves into Qing Ji and find the meat Ganoderma lucidum smoothly.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-three Blackwater Xuan snake
Half a day later, all the silver dumplings were ready to go to Wanze Lake to attack the black water Xuan snake, and these silver dumplings were given a lot of Dan medicine. After that, many injured silver dumplings recovered their injuries, and the strength of the whole ethnic group greatly increased their morale. They were also grateful to Gao Cai, and they got up their spirits to prepare for revenge.
After the shortage of silver knots, these silver dumplings set off and went high, only to follow them towards Wanze Lake. These hundreds of silver dragons flew together and suddenly produced a huge pressure to make way. All the fierce beasts and behemoths had to dormant, causing these dragons to besiege.
Looking at these silver dumplings, the overbearing talents are also deeply impressed, and at the same time, I am glad to find these silver dumplings for help. Otherwise, I will not only get Ganoderma lucidum, but also run.
After all, these overbearing and powerful guys can fight endlessly, and the black water Xuan snake is not weak, maybe even stronger.
When these huge silver dumplings went to Wanze Lake, the whole black water snake in Wanze Lake also got the news and quickly got together to prepare for these silver dumplings.
After all, the war between the two ethnic groups is not over in a day, and all the black water snakes that can fight in Wanze Lake get together to fight quickly.
A moment later, Gao Cai was mixed in the Yinjiao group and saw a huge swamp, which was endless and hundreds of miles as big as a huge continent
In the middle of this huge swamp, a huge male mountain goes straight into the sky, like a giant snake circling and piling up a huge mountain top, like a huge snake head overlooking the whole Wanze Lake.
"The giant mountain in front is melting Tianshan Mountain. Later, we will lead those black mountain Xuan snakes, and you will enter the mountain to find the meat ganoderma lucidum. But you can’t delay too long. We won’t fight the black water Xuan snake for too long! Once they return to the nest, you will be in danger. "
Looking at the huge melting Tianshan barren silver, I solemnly said that I was afraid that Gao Cai would suffer disaster if he delayed too long.
"Well, thank you again. I’m adding the Dragon King of Qiantang now. If you have something to do in the future, you can come to my West Lake to see me!"
I am very grateful for the large-scale dispatch of Silver Dumplings to help myself.

The cave is deeper than we thought. Two cigarettes have gone, and the time is not over yet, but the gray gas is getting stronger and stronger. The security guard of King Kong Gun and I have to release our aura to keep the gray gas out of the body, and we are more and more careful.

After a while, the water in our feet gradually became shallow, and soon we came to the water field. The water area was not large outside a stone wall, but there was a gap bigger than a small gap in the stone wall. The gray smell was very strong, and the owner should be in it.
King Kong Gun took out a cigarette, lit one and put it in my mouth, then lit one himself and asked me about the situation ahead.
I made a gesture right inside, pulled out my waist, and stuffed the turtle cannon at him, beckoning me to go behind his mat first.
King Kong Gun nodded and took the turtle gun in my hand. I bit the cigarette holder and took a bite, holding the lieutenant and flicker into the gap.
Before I entered, I imagined the possible situation in my mind and thought about several solutions. After I came in, I found that the situation inside was not as terrible as I imagined. In front of me was a spacious sandy land with a dry area about half the size of a football field. A huge skeleton of an ancient beast was reclining in the sand, and the middle position was a pool of water.
"The old cow is dead." I rushed outside and didn’t dare to speak because I was afraid to startle him.
"You just died." King Kong Bao bent down and got in. "Hey, what is this thing? Why is it so big?"
At present, the animal bones are very huge, and the skeleton is flat and long. No limbs are found. It seems that some snake creature has a strong gray smell from its bones. It seems that Kong Bao and I were wrong before, and there is no living creature in it.
I also put my sword into the sheath and approached the skeleton, and found myself next to the skeleton of this unknown snake-like creature, and I had to look up at it. I tried to measure its body length from the tail step to the head, and it actually spanned thirty steps, which means that the snake-like creature could reach about ten feet when it was alive.
The head of the bone shows the biological characteristics of snakes more clearly. The jaw and jaw bite protrude and the fangs look away, only to find that the frontal bone of the bone actually has arms and horns.
It’s not a snake if it has two horns. The smell is so evil that even after death, the bones give off evil breath and can kill people. What the hell is this? I closed my eyes and quickly recalled in my mind the memory before I took the air duct. After a long time, I finally remembered something "like"
"Old like what?" The sound of king kong cannon came from the other side of the snake bones.
"It’s like four-claw Qinglong who followed the Three Sages to visit the Tongtian leader in the Biyou Palace in the East China Sea when he took the wind tunnel. It’s a pity that it has no claws …"
"Who said no?" King Kong Bao said, bending down to fold something from the gravel and throwing it at me.
I raised my hand and caught it intently. It turned out to be a huge phalanx. I hurried to the side of the King Kong cannon and squatted down to reach out and dig in the sand for a while. I found that the bones had African claws on their bellies, but they were buried deep in the sand.
"Four-claw tsing lung is a real dragon. How can you die here when you already have spiritual wisdom? Moreover, the dragon body is a righteous thing, and even if it dies, it should not leave such evil bones unless … "
"Unless what? If you have something to say, say it quickly, and let me hold back and feel uncomfortable. "King Kong cannon is also an acute one, and I am very impatient when I speak hesitatingly."
I didn’t answer the question of the king kong cannon, but looked up at the ceiling. Nai was a few feet high and low from the surface. Nai held the popular tactic and jumped up a few feet. Looking intently at the ceiling, I finally found what I wanted to see-there were some cracks in the ceiling after lightning strikes, but it was covered up by falling dust because of the long time.
At present, although I can use the popular tactic to soar, there is a real difference between Teng and Ling. Teng jumps to a half-rise and then falls by jumping force, and can’t stay in the middle.
"It was probably killed by lightning." I got up with my knees bent and my fingers cracked at the top of the cave.
"Why did the thunder break it?" King Kong cannon looked at the ceiling and bowed their heads and asked
I slowly shook my head. If a snake creature can practice to the highest level by chance, it will be a four-legged dragon, while a five-claw golden dragon needs blood, which is not what practice can achieve. At present, the skeleton of this dragon has obviously gathered the number of four feet of the dragon, but it is contrary to the spirit of the dragon, but it exudes an evil gray atmosphere. I have a general judgment in my heart when I think of this.
"It probably did something bad and took refuge here, but it didn’t escape the scourge in the end." I looked at the huge bones in front of me and sighed. It seems that no matter whether people or animals commit too much evil, they can’t escape retribution.
"What did it do?" The king kong cannon took off its boots and poured water inside.
"Four-legged tsing lung is also very rare in the past, and there are also some differences between natural tsing lung and snake animals. The body of this tsing lung is so big that it can be said that it is not born this way, that is to say, its body may be the result of acquired practice. I guess it probably took some shortcuts or detours in the course of practice, otherwise its bones after death should not have such heavy pathogens." I made an analysis according to the gray smell of Qinglong bones.
"Don’t worry about it. Let’s find a way to deal with it first. It’s not too short when we come." King Kong Gun put on his boots and got up.
"Just break up its bones." All the pathogens in front of Qinglong’s bones overflow because it still maintains its intact shape before death, and the pathogens gather and do not disperse.
"Leave it to me. I’m good at sabotage, hahaha." King Kong Gun laughed and took out half a tube of N explosive left in his backpack and reached out to me for a detonator.
I acquiesced in his idea of taking out a detonator and throwing it at such a big bone. No explosives really kept us busy for half a day.
The king kong cannon bowed its head and fiddled with the detonator. "You wait for me outside first. I’ll light the explosives and go out."
"Let’s go together when you’re done." I lit a cigarette.
"There’s not much fuse left. The gap in the stone wall is so narrow. Don’t argue with me for a while." King Kong gun head also doesn’t lift half a joke.

Smile heartily.

Xiao Ning finally found her own way.
Although Sumo also dabbled in alchemy, he also won the first place in Danfeng, a dimly discernible peak.
But at this moment, he had to admit that he was not a bit worse than his sister in the alchemy!
He knows it’s the fur of Dan medicine
But Xiao Ning’s understanding is the true meaning of Dan medicine!
Gradually, Su Xiaoning formed a kind of aura around him, and the aura became stronger and stronger.
This is the aura of the top alchemist!
He Xing’s look changed.
In Su Xiaoning’s gas field, a chaotic flame was suppressed in his heart, and almost all the essence of Chinese herbal medicine in the blast furnace was incinerated!
He Xing took a deep breath and hurriedly converged his mind and turned back to focus on an alchemist.
But it’s already late.
The second refining of Su Xiaoning ended first!
There is a strong medicinal fragrance floating in the blast furnace, and everyone around you feels that the spirit is stirring.
Su Xiao Ning closed her eyes and pranayama a little, and once again opened her eyes firmly to coagulate Dan.
While He Xingcai just finished the secondary refining.
In the Hexing alchemy furnace, although there are also medicinal incense floating out, if there is, everyone smells nothing.
If there is no accident, the color of Su Xiaoning Dan medicine is bound to be better than He Xingdan medicine after the coagulation Dan is over!
Through this fragrance, the alchemists around you have vaguely judged that Su Xiaoning’s furnace of Dan medicine is likely to refine five perfect Dan medicines with Dan patterns!
Chapter two hundred and seventy-six Changes
"Xiao Ning’s pool is going to win."
"Well, this time I’m famous for my green frost alchemy pavilion."
In the crowd, the younger brothers of Qingshuang alchemy pavilion talked about their spirits.
"It’s just a second-order elixir. Even if I can win this game, I can’t make a name for myself. The name of Qing Shuang Lian Dan Pavilion has accumulated for thousands of years. What does it have to do with her!"
The speaker is a woman dressed in a long yellow dress, with a graceful figure and a slender white neck like a swan.
It is obvious that the yellow skirt woman has a high position in the Qing Shuang alchemist pavilion. When she heard this sentence, she just talked about several monks’ eyes. make a fool of oneself hurriedly shut up
"Sister Yang is absolutely right."
A younger brother of Qing Shuang’s alchemy replied with a smile.
On the other side, the brothers in the real fire refining workshop are also looking at the situation and look dignified.
"Things are not good. Brother He is going to lose."
"Don’t worry, this woman in Qingshuang Gate can’t win today. Brother He acts with eyes."
The speaker is wearing a pale red robe, and his mouth is slightly upturned, and his face is cold and his foundation is complete.
Beside him, there is a fierce-looking lion, whose feet are planing the ground, and his mouth is slightly open, and his sharp claws are faintly visible!
The fragrance of medicine in the blast furnace in front of Desu Xiaoning became more and more intense and permeated the crowd.
Through the hole of the blast furnace, white smoke is floating outward, and Su Xiaoning is in it, and her figure is like a drop of fairy.
An old man with a gray hair sniffed the fragrance of the floating medicine, closed his eyes to reveal his intoxication, and said slowly, "From my old experience, Qingshuangmen girl, this magic bullet will be perfect!"
Hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked.
This old man is the most famous senior alchemist in Yongxingfang. He dares to assert that the results will not be much different.
He Xing also saw that if he continued to go, he would fail.
He Xing’s eyes flashed off while setting Dan and winked at Pang in the crowd.
Pang knowing patted beside lingshi head.
Ling Shi’s body moved with a growl and suddenly jumped up and waved his palm toward Su Xiao’s front blast furnace.
This change is too sudden, let alone focusing on an alchemist, Su Xiaoning, and even the onlookers did not expect it.
After all, this is the King City of Zhou, and it is strictly forbidden to fight and fight.
Nowadays, it is more tense than the atmosphere near Zongmen. Not far away, there are three guards, a red vulture guard, riding a vulture and patrolling in the middle of the school with a long look.